Hello world
After having not-blogged prior to this point, I have decided that I would like to periodically maintain a quasi-technical blog. The n-fold purpose of this blog is to:
- Serve as a repository for ideas and notes
- Provide a snapshot of what I think is interesting at a given point in time
- Show-case what I am working on
- Force me to write more…
Probably the most important point listed here is actually the last one. Over the past few years I have spent a lot of time writing with a purely technical audience in mind. What I would like to do here is to attempt to summarize some ideas in a slightly less technical format.
Also, I would like to have a space which I can use to show off cool visualizations / images related to what I think is interesting / what I am working on.
The focus of posts here will probably be related to basic machine learning and data analysis. These are things I have been intrigued by for quite some time. However, I have only recently begun to look into these topics with any amount of seriousness. I will also put up some posts related to my research (since I have spent huge amounts of time on these things, and I think there are some pretty cool pictures related to my results).